Monday, May 02, 2016 1 Comments A+ a-

Welcome back to my blog. I hope you all are enjoying summer. It's getting extremely hot, no? Let’s face it: Getting dressed during the dog days of summer can be quite a task. Between the heat and the desire to do a whole lot of nothing, fashion can often take a back seat during summer. However, it is possible to look stylish and be comfortable during the summer, the trick is knowing how. 
DRESSES! I feel relaxed in these dresses as they're typically lightweight plus they're great from morning till night. One should prefer white in summer as they're cool since they reflect sunlight. But bluee is still a huge color and my favourite too. "It's eye-catching in everything from a swimsuit to a clutch to a nail polish."
Added my all time favourite Daniel Wellington watch, a pair of bohemian shoes which are from mahabaleshwar, and accessories. AND I'M READY FOR SUMMER!
Hope you liked this short & sweet post, stay tuned for upcoming posts & shower your love as always. 

Rajvee Gandhi


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